Thursday, July 24, 2014

This is the life!

Hi! My name's Shari. I'm a stay-at-home Mama living in the middle of a three-ring circus.

The three rings consist of my three children: my 16-year-old daughter Sara (who is a cross country runner, a Scholars Bowl participant, a track runner, an oboe player, and a clarinet player. Oh!  And did I mention she also DRIVES?!?!), my 12-year-old stepson Kyle (who's not into much beyond electronic games, be it on a computer or on a phone), and my 4-year-old daughter Aubrey (who just recently informed that she wants to dance ballet).

My husband's name is Scott. He works a hard job on the weekdays, but that makes it possible for me to stay home with the kids. There is no one I respect more! My husband is the best man on the face of the planet, and I am so proud that he's mine!

I love my job! I love staying home and training my kids up in the way they should go. Most days we have stuff to do, so we get it done, and then have some downtime. But every once in a while, we declare it a jammy day!  And stay in our pajamas the WHOLE DAY and play and be silly the entire time. Fun times!